In 1961 the Central Committee Rural Survey and the Adjustment of Peoples Commune
中文关键词:  1961年  中央常委  毛泽东  大兴调查研究之风  人民公社
English Keywords:In 1961  The central committee  MAO Zedong  The wind of daxing investigation and study  The peoples commune
Fund Project:
王涛 中共中央党校 党史部 北京 100091 
摘要点击次数: 1075
全文下载次数: 1159
English Summary:
      Three years of “great leap forward” movement had caused severe damage to the Chinese economy, especially in rural areas. Facing the difficult situation, MAO Zedong called on the party “energetically encourage the practice of conducting investigations and studies ”, “seek the truth from the people ”, to find the solution to the problem from the practice. Liu Shaoqi, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping and other members of Central Standing Committee were down to the countryside to carry out the investigation and study. During the close contact with the farmers, the Central Standing Committee mastered a lot of firsthand material. According to the survey results of the Central Committee, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China adjusted the rural people's commune system, and canceled the public canteen and supply system which bounded the development of rural productivity.
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