The Research of Actual Controller’s Impact on Executive Compensation——Based on empirical test of 2012 real estate listed companies
中文关键词:  上市公司  实际控制人  高管薪酬  房地产公司  公司绩效  公司规模
English Keywords:listed company  actual controller  executive compensation  real estate company  corporate performance  company scale
Fund Project:
王冰 福建江夏学院 会计学院福建 福州 350108 
摘要点击次数: 1025
全文下载次数: 899
English Summary:
      This article selects 122 listed real estate companies in the year of 2012 as the research object, and finds that there is no significant difference of executive pay and actual controller in the state-owned holding company and the private holding company. It shows that they are on the same level. The controlling proportion of actual controllers is negatively related to the executive compensation in the control of the company's size and performance. That is to say when the controlling proportion of actual controllers is low there is a phenomenon of insider control. At the same time, it verifies that the executive pay is positively related to company size and corporate performance, but its positive relation with corporate performance is not stable.
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