The Empirical Study of IPO Effect and Infuencing Factors
中文关键词:  创业板  IPO效应  经营业绩
English Keywords:GEM  IPO effect  business performance
Fund Project:
陈国民,袁芳芳① 南华大学 经济管理学院, 湖南 衡阳 421000 
摘要点击次数: 1256
全文下载次数: 935
English Summary:
      The paper takes 36 companies that listed on the GEM of 2009 as the research object. It analyzes the changes of the business performance from the profit ability, debt paying ability, operation ability and growth ability from 1 year before listing to 3 years after listing .It also tests the existence of the IPO effect. On the basis of the research, It analyzes the proportion of raising money, the holding proportion of the controlling shareholder, studies the risk investment and the sponsor reputation effect on IPO of companies listed on the GEM. Finally it comes to the conclusion, and puts forward suggestions on the development of the companies listed on the GEM of China.
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