陈国生, 张瀚文①, 杨凤鸣②.区域文化产业发展地域差异与空间布局研究——以衡阳市为例[J].,2013,14(6):6-12
Regional Cultural Industry Development and Spatial Distribution of Geographical Differences-A Case Study of Hengyang City——A case study of Hengyang city
中文关键词:  衡阳市  一体两翼三组团  文化产业空间布局  集聚战略
English Keywords:culture resources characteristic  Hengyang  “one organic whole  two wings, three groups”  cultural industry layout space  agglomeration strategy
Fund Project:
陈国生, 张瀚文①, 杨凤鸣② 湖南工学院 旅游规划与设计研究所, 湖南 衡阳 421008 
摘要点击次数: 1091
全文下载次数: 1086
English Summary:
      As China is gradually coming into the economic structure upgrade and the era of social transformation of development mode, the cultural industry development and cultural construction is increasingly becoming an important force in promoting regional economic and social development, which is endowed with the meaning of strategic high ground of regional development . From the perspective of cultural geography, based on the basic understanding of Hengyang cultural resources and cultural industries, the spatial distribution characteristics and existing explain causes, and the theory of culture resources value of “overflow”, this article attempts to find out the spatial distribution law of Hengyang cultural industry, so as to build strategy framework of Hengyang regional cultural industry development, and presents concrete ideas and countermeasures on the development of cultural industry agglomeration.
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