Countermeasures for Promoting Carbon Dioxide Capture and Storage in China Under Low carbon Economy Perspective
中文关键词:  低碳经济  碳捕获与封存技术  煤炭消耗  碳排放
English Keywords:low carbon economy  carbon dioxide capture and storage  coal consumption  carbon emissions
Fund Project:
刘奂成 云南大学 发展研究院,云南 昆明 650500 
摘要点击次数: 1302
全文下载次数: 1102
English Summary:
      Development of low carbon economy has become a consensus of the international community.Famous for its long term profit and low cost,carbon dioxide capture and storage as well as Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle would be one of the most significant technical measures that china will take to reduce its carbon emissions.However, China is still deficient in implementing necessary policies and regulations to promote these new technologies. Therefore, relevant enterprises and authorities in China should possess a global vision on the new trend in carbon emissions technologies. Low carbon economy in China could not be promoted unless more efforts are made by the government and research institutes.
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