Resolving Some Doubts About the Balance Sheet Liability Approach
中文关键词:  所得税会计  资产负债表债务法  计税基础
English Keywords:income tax accounting  the balance sheet liability approach  tax basis
Fund Project:
杨芙蓉 《单位》(南华大学附属第一医院 财务部,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1142
全文下载次数: 1460
English Summary:
      The present accounting literatures have not discussed fully about the creation process and the basis theories about the balance sheet liability approach. So it makes the users of this approach feel complexed and disordered, which is hard to use flexibly. This paper, firstly, analyzes the creation process and the basis thoughts about this approach. Secondly, it analyzes the essence of the deferred income tax asset and liability, and demonstrates how to analyze the influence of the business transaction on the future taxable income under 4 typical situations. Thirdly, according to the relationship between the taxable or deductible temporary difference and the book value of asset or debt, it deduces the implication of the tax basis and the necessity to construct this concept. At last, it concludes a completely new accounting idea and process of the balance sheet liability approach.
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