On the Social Moral Value Orientation of the Activity of Morality Model Selection and Award
中文关键词:  道德模范评选表彰活动  社会  道德价值导向
English Keywords:The activity of morality model selection and award  society  the moral value orientation
Fund Project:
周围,夏亮① 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1231
全文下载次数: 876
English Summary:
      The activity of morality model selection and award is an important form to educate citizens, and also it is an effective carrier to promote civic moral construction. The activity had positive and profound influences in China, and it showed the moral value orientation of socialist society. The concrete significance of the activity of morality model selection and award can be seen as follows: firstly, it insists on the socialist moral’s nucleus core and principle; secondly, it promotes Chinese traditional virtue and the time spirit;thirdly, it promotes the model’s meritorious deeds and moral characters;fourthly, it sets up the Communism Concept of Honor and Disgrace and social trends;last but by no means the least, the activity provides a mechanism and an effective way of moral education.
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