Study on C E Translation of Names in Hengyang Buddhist Scenic Spots
中文关键词:  佛教景点  名称  汉译英  功能目的论
English Keywords:Buddhist scenic spots  names  C E translation  Skops theory
Fund Project:
高芬,颜晓华①,大岳② 南华大学 外国语学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1099
全文下载次数: 1544
English Summary:
      The names of scenic spots are the symbols of tourist attractions. They not only reflect the architectural function of the scenic spots, but also associate with the specific history,culture and custom.The names of Buddhist scenic spots are also loaded with colorful Buddhist culture,therefore translators must understand the basic information and their culture connotation. This paper starts analyzing with the structure and catagories of the names in Buddhist Shrines. based on Skops theory, then introduces several effective strategies by taking the names of Buddhist scenic spots in Hengyang as cases. These strategies include: transliteration, translation couplet, transliteration and interpretation, Sanskrit and interpretation. Translators need to present their cultural characteristics so as to achieve the goal of translation according to particular names of scenic spots.
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