The External Validity of Internal Administrative Procedure——From the perspective of “Administrative Action without Approval of Person in Charge of Administrative Organ”
中文关键词:  内部行政程序  外化  违反法定程序  程序瑕疵  法律效果
English Keywords:internal administrative procedure  externalization  violation of legal procedure  procedural defect  legal effect
Fund Project:
周琳 山东大学 法学院山东 济南 250100 
摘要点击次数: 1333
全文下载次数: 1291
English Summary:
      As a procedure running inside the administrative organ, internal administrative procedure has profound influence on rights and interests of the concerned person through externalization, although the concerned person is not directly involved. Violation of internal procedure depends on the nature of specific administrative action, makes the identification of procedural defect or violation of legal procedure, thus determines the validity of the specific administrative action. Based on cases in judicial practice and combined with existed norms and theories, this article aims at clarifying how to define the internal procedure and how to judge the external validity.
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