On Modification and Improvement of Consumer Protection Law——From the perspective of gains and losses of consumer protection law amendment (draft)
中文关键词:  消费者  消费者权益保护法  法律修改  消费者权益保护法修正案(草案)
English Keywords:consumer  Consumer Protection Law  modification  Consumer Protection Law Amendment (draft)
Fund Project:
文诚公,孔咪咪① 中国人民大学 法学院北京 100872 
摘要点击次数: 1415
全文下载次数: 1263
English Summary:
      The Consumer Protection Law of China hasnt been modified for a long time, thus making its deficiencies more conspicuous, which cannot keep consistency with the judicial practice. Moreover, though the Consumer Protection Law Amendment (draft) makes progress, which to some extent strengthens the protection of consumers rights, helps define the operators obligation, and consolidates the duties and the role of administrative authorities as well as the Consumer Association, debatable issues and space for refinement also exist. The opportunity for amendment should be grasped through upholding the people-oriented legislation conception and moderately sloping to consumers rights, and the operation and direction of Consumer Protection Law should be reinforced by more detailed legislation.
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