Changes in Rural Land System and Rural Labor Migration
中文关键词:  劳动力迁移  制度变迁  土地租值
English Keywords:labor migration  changes of system  land rent
Fund Project:
王鑫 重庆工商大学 融智学院重庆 400033 
摘要点击次数: 1423
全文下载次数: 1058
English Summary:
      The rural labor migration is an important part of Chinese agricultural transformation. It is a question worthy of discussing whether the Chinese land system with incomplete property rights as its characteristics may hinder the mobility of labor. In this paper, the expected utility function is established based on a labor migration decision theory model, and a testable hypothesis is put forward: rising land rent will increase the incentive of immigrants. Using empirical data from 1978 to 2011 to test this hypothesis, the results show that, the more complete land usufruct and stable land property rights, through increasing the rent of land, has a positive effect on the rural labor migration. This conclusion in the government policy means to further define the property right of rural land, stablize land contracting relations and build a complete land market, which will promote the transfer to a higher production efficiency of the city industrial sectors of the rural labor force, and help develop Chinas economy more comprehensively.
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