Approaches to Improve the Economic Benefits of Natural Uranium
中文关键词:  天然铀  经济效益  铀资源  溶浸采铀
English Keywords:natural uranium  economic benefits  uranium resources  leaching of uranium
Fund Project:
曹鼎阶 南华大学 老年科协,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1198
全文下载次数: 1210
English Summary:
      This article analyzes the factors of influencing the economic benefits of natural uranium production, and presents the ways of improving the economic benefits of natural uranium. It is necessary to strengthen the exploration of uranium resources to provide more low-cost uranium resources, enhance the application of new technology of leaching of uranium in the production, increase the proportion of global production of natural uranium, build a number of new uranium mines, expand the scale of natural uranium production, innovate the mobile uranium hydrometallurgy treatment device suitable for uranium mining and metallurgical characteristics of China, form rational distribution rules of leaching and hydrometallurgy treatment, reasonably exploit cutoff grade indicators, indicators of the heap leaching and recycle the useful associated metals in the uranium ore.
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