吴 娟, 贺永胜①.电子病历在医院应用中的几个问题简析[J].,2013,14(3):120-122
Research on the Problems Existing in the Application of Electronic Medical Record in Hospital
中文关键词:  电子病历  标准化  措施
English Keywords:Electronic medical records  Standardization  Measure
Fund Project:
吴 娟, 贺永胜① 山西医科大学 信息管理系图书馆, 山西 太原 030001 
摘要点击次数: 1010
全文下载次数: 825
English Summary:
      Owing to the continuous development of computer and network technologies, electronic medical record in hospitals has been widely used, but there are also problems in the application such as legal evidence, data standards, security and privacy protection, mass storage and quality of personnel, and so on. Therefore, sound laws and regulations, uniform data standards, choosing the right storage technology, the development of security and privacy protection technologies, accelerating the talent training became the main measures for the current promotion of electronic medical records. As the direction for the development of a digital hospital system, electronic medical record will no doubt be advanced stably.
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