Poetic Dwelling and Spiritual Watching:On reviewing About the Ecological Thoughts of Walden Writing by Thoreau
中文关键词:  《瓦尔登湖》  亨利·大卫·梭罗  简单哲学观  生态批评
English Keywords:Walden  Henry David Thoreau  the philosophy of Simpleness  ecological criticism
Fund Project:
张岩,孙立言① 许昌学院 文学院河南 许昌 461000 
摘要点击次数: 1743
全文下载次数: 1800
English Summary:
      Henry David Thoreau was a famous American transcendentalism writer and nature preservation thinker of the 19th century. In his classic work Walden, Thoreau had vividly recorded his self-sufficient life of living alone,part work and part study and thinking on the shore of Lake Walden for more than two years.In this great and deep literature work, Thoreau put forward the important philosophical thoughts of simple material but rich spirit. Thoreau described the mythology of Walden aiming at ecological re-flecting and criticizing on the industrial civilization with representative of the train and the railroad, and proposed the ecological ideals of inhabiting poetically and returning to spirital home by the chance of the philosophy heading for the wilderness.
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