The Ecological Intelligence of Chuci
中文关键词:  楚辞  山水  生态
English Keywords:Chuci  Landscape  Ecology
Fund Project:
冯进 海军陆战学院 政工系广东 广州 510430 
摘要点击次数: 1137
全文下载次数: 1636
English Summary:
      Chuci contained a splendid sight of animal and plant landscape. Its ecological function, to borrow the words by Confucius,is“to know more birds, beasts and vegetation ”, that is to say,to restore humans long declined subtle awareness and keen perception of every tree and bush, and then retrieve the close genetic relationship between humans and the great nature. Chuci described landscape and scenery from several angles, levels and perspectives. It created beautiful and demonstrative art state, and showed the ancestors ecological emotion when they were moved by nature and hence loved it all the more. There are a large number of verbs with aesthetic sense in Chuci, such as “youmu (glance)” and “zhouliu (travel)”. This kind of special aesthetic sense is just the reflection of their passionate homestead consciousness to natural ecology.
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