Research on the Environmental Audit Mode of Heavy Metal PollutionGovernance in the Xiangjiang River
中文关键词:  湘江流域  重金属污染治理  环境审计
English Keywords:Xiangjiang River  heavy metal pollution governance  environmental auditing
Fund Project:
唐洋,谢京华①,陈婷婷② 南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1267
全文下载次数: 1080
English Summary:
      With the effective implementation of the activities of heavy metal pollution in the Xiangjiang River,environmental auditing has become essential in the Xiangjiang River water pollution governance process. Therefore, by analyzing the characteristics of the water pollution in the Xiangjiang River, we explored the basic theory of heavy metal pollution in the Xiangjiang River environmental audit, and built environmental audit mode of heavy metals in the Xiangjiang River pollution governance, which included how to determine the audit object, main pollutants, the audit content and environment audit evaluation standard. So it can improve the Xiangjiang River heavy metal pollution governance system, and optimize environmental auditing theory in water pollution governance.
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