The Definition of the Intangible Assets Range in Tourism Scenic Area
中文关键词:  旅游景区  无形资产  构成因子
English Keywords:tourism scenic area  intangible assets  component factors
Fund Project:
章笕,王昆欣① 浙江旅游职业学院浙江杭州 311231 
摘要点击次数: 1221
全文下载次数: 1120
English Summary:
      Large numbers of intangible assets exist in the enterprise , and they play an important role in the market. This study found that domestic and foreign experts have not reached a unified understanding of the scope of the enterprise intangible assets after searched large quantity of literature. Based on above knowledge, according to the characteristics of tourism scenic area, the study group proposed seventeen component factors about intangible assets in tourism scenic area from the perspective of generalized intangible assets. Then, this study defined the scope of each component factors, and constituted a system of Intangible assets in tourism scenic area. It is designed to provide the basis for the protection and exploitation of the tourism scenic area of intangible assets, at the same time, Lay the foundation for future quantitative research.
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