苏玲,阳波①.网络新闻媒体伦理失范的原因与对策 苏玲,阳波①[J].,2013,14(3):34-38
网络新闻媒体伦理失范的原因与对策 苏玲,阳波①
The Reasons and Countermeasures of the Network News Medias Ethical Anomies
中文关键词:  网络  新闻媒体  伦理失范  道德  法律
English Keywords:network  news media  ethical anomies  moral  law
Fund Project:
苏玲,阳波① 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1317
全文下载次数: 1593
English Summary:
      The arising and booming of network bring the journalism new development opportunities and some ethical crisis and challenges at the same time, and the ethical anomies of network news media occur repeatedly. The reasons of the network news medias ethical anomies are not single, except the network news medias own reason, the government and the societys moral supervision and the deficiency of network law are also important reasons. So, in order to correct and manage the ethical anomies, we not only need the media to promote its moral consciousness, but also need the government and the societys joint efforts.only in this way, can we have the hope to solve the problems fundamentally.
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