王 鹏,况福民①,邓育武②,田亚平③,符跃鑫④.基于P-S-R模型的湘南红壤丘陵区土地生态安全研究——以衡阳市为例[J].,2013,14(3):5-10 |
基于P-S-R模型的湘南红壤丘陵区土地生态安全研究——以衡阳市为例 |
Ecological Security of Land Resources in Red Soil Hilly Region in Southern Hunan——A case study based on P-S-R model |
投稿时间:2012-03-12 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 土地生态安全 湘南红壤丘陵区 指标体系 P-S-R模型 衡阳市 |
English Keywords:ecological security of land resources red soil hilly region in Southern Hunan the index system Pressure-State-Response Model Hengyang city |
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中文摘要: |
针对衡阳市土地资源的特点以及问题,在国内关于区域生态安全研究成果的基础上,基于“压力-状态-响应”框架模型,构建了一套土地资源生态安全评价指标体系,采用熵权赋权法确定指标权重,运用土地资源生态安全综合模型对该区域2001—2010年的土地生态安全综合指数进行了计算。结果表明,衡阳市10年中土地资源生态安全一直处于临界安全与较不安全水平,其中2002年和2003年处于较不安全状态,其余年份均为临界安全状态。整体上来说,衡阳市近10年来土地资源生态安全状态不容乐观。土地生态安全状况的改善主要依赖于对土地生态环境的治理,现阶段土地的生态压力依然严峻。 |
English Summary: |
Based on “Pressure-State-Response” Model, this article attempts to establish a set of evaluating index systems for land resource eco-security by applying entropy weight method to determine the weight of index, and use evaluating model for land resource ecological security to calculate the land eco-security composite index of Hengyang City from the year 2001 to 2010. The results show that the land resources ecological security degree is between weak security and preferable security, yet in lower level. Land ecological security status mainly depends on the management of land ecological environment, and ecological pressure on land is still severe in present stage,. This article puts forward some strategies aiming at dealing with the situation. |
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