The Main Characteristic and Application of Modern Design based on Multi culture
中文关键词:  多元文化  现代设计  主要特质  具体运用
English Keywords:multi culture  modern design  the main characteristics  application
Fund Project:
许媛媛,陈翊斌① 中南大学 建筑与艺术学院湖南 长沙 410081 
摘要点击次数: 971
全文下载次数: 694
English Summary:
      Under the influence of economic globalization, cultural diversity is frequent in the design field. The paper based on the Chinese and western philosophy,through the practical significance of multi culture to modern design,clarifies the main characteristics of the modern design based on multi culture, including the diversity of creation style, the diversity of creation content, the method of ecological design and the international expression of modern design .Through analysis of creative design form and cultural connotation in the design field based on multi culture, it achieves in depth understanding of specific application of multi culture in the field of design objective to derive more forms of culture and art.
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