Suggestions for Perfecting the System of Insurance Subrogation
中文关键词:  保险代位求偿权  适用范围  立法差异
English Keywords:right of insurance subrogation  scope of application  legislative difference
Fund Project:
肖益祥 福建师范大学 法学院福建 福州 350007 
摘要点击次数: 829
全文下载次数: 879
English Summary:
      Traditional point of view thinks that the right of insurance subrogation is in property insurance only.However, this paper argues that the right of insurance subrogation should not be confined to property insurance .Its scope should be damage insurance.Damage insurance including property insurance and the insurance with damage compensation in life insurance.Chinas Insurance Law on insurance subrogation provision is not perfect.There are many problems in practice.So this paper attempts to explore the true meaning of the right of Insurance Subrogation and focus on the problems in current insurance law legislation on right of Insurance Subrogation, and put forward relevant measures to improve,which is hoped to have some reference function to the perfection of the right of insurance subrogation system
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