References of Lenins Thought of Strengthening Inner party Supervision of the Working class Ruling Party
中文关键词:  列宁  工人阶级执政党  党内监督  监察委员会  纪律检查委员会
English Keywords:Lenin  working class ruling party  inner party supervision
Fund Project:
赵清华 山东华宇职业技术学院 经管系山东 德州 253034 
摘要点击次数: 1085
全文下载次数: 914
English Summary:
      After the victory of the October Revolution, Lenin attached great importance to the inner party supervision of the working class ruling party, developed and improved its new theory of the proletarian party. Its main theories and measures are the establishment of the monitoring committee of the party, requiring the parallel position with the Central Committee and continuing to strengthen the party monitoring agency to monitor the system construction, which ensured that the party and the state were not degenerate in the new economic policy conditions and prevented the “servant of the people” becoming “social master”. Our party should strive to conform to the democratic trend of the world, take efforts to explore the model of the inner party democracy, consult Lenins system design and thought of inner party supervision of the working class ruling party, strengthen the function of the partys Commission for discipline inspection at all levels, maximize the prevention of the spread of poor decisions and corruption.
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