A Deep Analysis of Soft Power of Culture and Soft Power of University Culture
中文关键词:  文化软实力  文化  高校文化软实力
English Keywords:the soft power of culture  culture  the soft power of university culture
Fund Project:
张多来,赵阳阳①,张旭敏② 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院,湖南 衡阳421001 
摘要点击次数: 1124
全文下载次数: 662
      提升文化软实力是我国发展的战略目标之一。研究文化软实力和高校文化软实力,先要对文化的定义进行理解和分析;要从多视角来分析文化软实力这18种 “力” 是各种各样“力”的有机融合;深度分析高校文化软实力5个方面:办学理念、办学特色、创新体系、校园文化、学校品牌。因此,提升高校文化软实力要在这些方面切实加强建设。
English Summary:
      One of the strategic objects of China’s development is to strengthen the soft power of culture. To study the soft power of culture and the soft power of university culture, we have to understand and analyze the definition of culture from the outset; we study, from multiple points of view, that the soft power of culture consisting of 18 kinds of “power” is the organic fusion of various kinds of “power”; a deep analysis of the soft power of university culture is given from five perspectives: the concept, the characteristics of school, the innovation system, the campus culture and the school brand. Therefore, we are supposed to strengthen the construction from those five aspects to reinforce the soft power of university culture.
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