Crime Psychological Reinforcement and Its Correction Under the Network Circumstances
中文关键词:  网络境遇  犯罪心理  强化  矫治
English Keywords:the network circumstances  criminal psychology  strengthen  correction
Fund Project:
马传谊,刘宗粤① 重庆邮电大学 思政教研部重庆 400065 
摘要点击次数: 957
全文下载次数: 915
English Summary:
      The characteristics of the network and people's media contact in the information age, forced the strengthening of criminal psychology to some extent. Under the network circumstances, crime psychological reinforcement presented as compilation, imitation, implication, role playing, self reinforcement, public opinion atmosphere, etc. To avoid the facilitation of network circumstances on the crime psychological reinforcement, it should not be confined to the criminal psychology of exploration, but should pay great attention to ensuring the judicial justice, strengthening the guidance of public opinions on the internet, issuing the media literacy education, improving the construction of community correction and giving aids to the person who was released after serving his sentence in such aspects as rescue work, combined with the realities to explore feasible measures and countermeasures.
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