马柳颖, 刘琦①.论我国侦查权监督控制机制的完善[J].,2012,13(6):77-80
On the Improvement of Supervise and Control System of Criminal Investigation Power in China
中文关键词:  侦查权监督控制机制  检察机关  侦查监督权
English Keywords:a system of supervising and controlling investigation power  procuratorial organization  supervisory power during investigation  defect  improvement
Fund Project:
马柳颖, 刘琦① 南华大学 文法学院,湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1152
全文下载次数: 875
English Summary:
      A systematic supervision and control of investigation power would play a very important role in preventing the power abuse. However, the present situation in China is characterized by lack of authoritativeness of the supervisors, the narrow scope of supervision, the inapplicability of the supervisory means, and the time lagging in supervisory actions. Therefore, it is suggested in this paper that, in order to improve the system of supervising and controlling the power of investigation, we should set about strengthening the supervising power of procuratorial organizations and the mutual supervision of supervisors, expanding the rights of criminals being investigated, and developing self-awareness of public securities in preventing the abuse of power during investigations.
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