The Analysis of Aesthetic Conception of Nan Yue Poetry
中文关键词:  南岳古代诗词  审美意境  空灵美  秀逸美  深幽美
English Keywords:Nue Yue poetry  aesthetic condition  ethereal beauty  elegant beauty  profound beauty
Fund Project:
田俊杰 西南大学 文学院重庆 北碚 400715 
摘要点击次数: 875
全文下载次数: 1045
English Summary:
      The poets of Nan Yue left us numerous landscape poems after their visiting of the beautiful landscapes of Nan Yue which provide rich and valuable resource to the research of those poems. By the aid of some aesthetic artistic conception theories, this paper tries to analyze and find out the beautiful condition expressed from the poems: ethereal, elegant and deep. In these poems, the ethereal condition is showed from the device such as the mutual transference of illusory and reality and the seeking of immortality; personification of nature depicts a wonderful of Nan Yue scenery and shows the elegant condition; the coordination of tranquility and motion creates a profound condition.
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