陈润羊, 花明①.核电产业几个关键问题研究展望[J].,2012,13(6):1-5
Research on the Key Issues of the Nuclear Power Industry
中文关键词:  战略性新兴产业  核电产业  研究综述
English Keywords:strategic and emerging industries  nuclear power industry  literature review
Fund Project:
陈润羊, 花明① 兰州商学院 甘肃商务发展研究中心甘肃 兰州 730020 
摘要点击次数: 1008
全文下载次数: 813
English Summary:
      The nuclear power industry is important to energy industry in our country's strategic emerging industry. With the extensive application of nuclear technology in the dynamic and non-dynamic field, nuclear industry research has caught wide attention and discussion from all walks of life. The method of comparative analysis is used to summarize the current situation of nuclear power industry,and five key issues have been classified, including the competitive advantage of the nuclear power industry, development strategy, influential factors, industry cluster and restricting factors. The characteristics and shortage of theory research on the current nuclear power industry are summarized. In order to provide guidance for our country's nuclear power industry, the development trend in future has been prospected.
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