The Impacts of Enterprise’s Knowledge Management Capabilities on Technological Innovation Performance
中文关键词:  知识管理能力  技术创新绩效  影响
English Keywords:knowledge management capabilities  technological innovation performance  impacts
Fund Project:
谢荷锋,卢碧玲①,肖斌① 南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1148
全文下载次数: 785
English Summary:
      Through promoting the use of knowledge resources effectively, enterprise’s knowledge management capabilities play important roles in its performance of technological innovation. However, there are differences among the impacts of different knowledge management capabilities on the technological innovation performance for their various functions in the use of knowledge in the process of innovation, which is discussed theoretically and tested empirically in this paper. The results show there are systematic differences among the impacts of knowledge management capabilities on technological innovation, and knowledge application capability, as well knowledge conservation capability, not only has direct impacts on enterprise’s technological innovation performance, but also moderates the link between the other capability and the technologic innovation performance.
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