林小云.《吴越春秋》的叙事策略[J].,2012,13(3):97-100 |
《吴越春秋》的叙事策略 |
Narrative Strategy of “Wuyuechunqiu” |
投稿时间:2012-04-20 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 叙事策略 审美时空形态 开头形态 |
English Keywords:narrative strategy aesthetic space-time form beginning form |
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摘要点击次数: 789 |
全文下载次数: 718 |
中文摘要: |
《吴越春秋》独特的叙事策略很好地体现了作者的创作意图。其叙事策略表现在:建构审美时空形态,展现吴越两国盛衰兴亡的因果关系和历史脉络,揭示“生于忧患、死于安乐”的人生和历史哲理;建立“包举大端”的开头形态,使全书具有一种充满浓烈反省意识和兴衰感的历史哲学思考。 |
English Summary: |
The unique narrative strategy of “Wuyuechunqiu” well reflects the author’s creative intent. The narrative strategy shows as: constructing an aesthetic space-time form, showing causality of rise and fall and historical context of WuYue, revealing the life and history philosophy of thriving in calamity and preishing in soft living; establishing a beginning form which covered the end, so that the book has the philosophy of history’s thinking which filled a strong reflection consciousness and sense of the rise and fall. |
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