Ethical Perspective of Ancient Chinese Literary Comments
中文关键词:  古代文论  文以载道  以理节情  知人论世  伦理向度
English Keywords:comments on ancient Chinese literature  moral connotation in literature  emotion restricted by rationality in literature creation  appreciation of the works by knowing authors’ life experience and their times  ethical perspective
Fund Project:
董正宇,肖颖红① 南华大学 政治与公共管理学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 992
全文下载次数: 659
English Summary:
      Comments on ancient Chinese literature are works or articles on literary creation, appreciation and criticism. They reflect the thoughts, cultural ideology and life values of ancient writers. It has profound content and shows great concern about the ethical world of human beings. This thesis discusses three ethical features of the comments: moral connotation in literature, emotion restricted by rationality in literature creation and appreciation of the works by knowing ancient authors’ life experience and their times. The author also explains the impacts of the comments on modern literary development and literary criticism.
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