冒丽.论死亡赔偿金的性质及分配——一起案件引发的法理思考[J].,2012,13(3):78-81 |
论死亡赔偿金的性质及分配——一起案件引发的法理思考 |
Analysis on the Nature and Distribution of Compensation for Death |
投稿时间:2012-03-19 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 死亡赔偿金 分配 遗产 |
English Keywords:compensation for death distribution heritage |
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摘要点击次数: 911 |
全文下载次数: 764 |
中文摘要: |
随着交通事故的频发,近亲属间因死亡赔偿金的分割而产生的纠纷也越来越多。我国当前法律对死亡赔偿金的分配没有做出明确规定,司法实践中,法官对于死亡赔偿金的性质及分配往往存在分歧,导致判决结果的不统一,这在一定程度上影响了法院判决的公信力。文章试图通过案例对死亡赔偿金的性质进行分析,并阐述死亡赔偿金分配的权利主体及分配原则。 |
English Summary: |
With the traffic accidents taking place freqnently disputes arising from death compensation split among close relatives are increasing. As the law do not make clear the distribution of compensation for death, there are judicial differences for the nature and distribution of compensation for death in practice, and the judgment are inconsistent. This affects the credibility of the judgment of the Court. This paper attempts to elaborate the subject and the principle of the distribution of compensation for death by analyzing the nature of compensation for death. |
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