An Exploration into the In-depth Causes behind “Food Shortage Riots” and “Disowning the Membership of Peasant Association” between 1953 and 1957
中文关键词:  “闹粮”  “闹退社”  事件  深层原因
English Keywords:food Shortage Riots  disowning the membership of peasant association  event  in-depth cause
Fund Project:
江业文 湖南工学院 思政部湖南 衡阳 421002 
摘要点击次数: 816
全文下载次数: 925
English Summary:
      The “Quota Purchase and Sale” and “Rural Co-op System”, as an integral part of the socialist transformation during a historically transitional period, uncontrollably went so far as to have executed “exploitation” on peasants. Moreover, in their implementation, the incompatibility between some reform measures of productive relations and productivity intensified the contradictions between the country and peasants, workers and peasants and even among the peasants themselves, which ultimately gave rise to the so-called “Riots of Productivity”. The historical events of “Food Shortage Riots” and “Disowning the Membership of Peasant Association” between 1953 and 1957 are thereby analyzed and the in-depth causes are thus laid bare.
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