Viewing Liu Kun’s Tragedy from His Experiences and Poetry
中文关键词:  刘琨  生平遭际  忧国忧民  英雄末路  特殊时代
English Keywords:Liu Kun  the experiences of his life  caring for the fate of his nation  the end of a hero  the special time
Fund Project:
武志佳 湘潭大学 哲学与历史文化学院湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 745
全文下载次数: 774
English Summary:
      Liu Kun was a famous patriotic general and national hero in the late Western Jin Dynasty. Yongjia chaos of AD 311 was a watershed for him: before that, he was ever an idler from a wealth family and indulged in creature comforts; but after the country was defeated and home was lost, Liu Kun decisively served as a national hero to save the country and people from the plight. However, due to that society and his character, he was doomed to be a failure. This paper tries to analyse Liu Kun’s tragedy from his experiences and poetry. At last, the paper points out the causes of his tragedy.
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