Grope for Lenin Theory of Keeping United in the Working-class Ruling Party
中文关键词:  列宁  工人阶级执政党  宗派分裂活动  团结统一
English Keywords:Lenin  the working-class ruling Party  sectarian separatist activities  solidarity and unity
Fund Project:
赵清华 中共衡水市委党校 党建教研部河北 衡水 053000 
摘要点击次数: 1022
全文下载次数: 883
English Summary:
      Preventing and combating sectarian separatist activities and ensuring the solidarity and unity of the party are the organizational basis and guarantees of the governing of the working-class ruling party. After the Revolution, Lenin and the Bolshevik Party led by him fought rationally,advantageously and abstemiously with the sectarian activities and division errors such as “the left Communists”, “the workers opposition”and“ the democratic centralism” in succession, which ensured the solidarity and unity of the Bolshevik Party on the basis of the proletarian revolution excellently. In addition, it designed a series of systematic solutions including “collective leadership”, “restructuring of the public prosecutor’s office of workers and peasants” and so on for preventing and eliminating the splitting risk that the “oligarchy” would bring. Lenin’s construction theory and system design of the ruling party have a far-reaching historic significance and great realistic significance for the working-class ruling party.
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