An Education Thought About the ‘Boy Crisis’——From the angle of the family and the society
中文关键词:  男生危机  家庭教育  教养方式  大众传媒  社会心理
English Keywords:Boy Crisis  family education  upbringing  mass media  social psychology
Fund Project:
俞明雅 西南大学 教育学部重庆400715 
摘要点击次数: 942
全文下载次数: 902
English Summary:
      “Boy Crisis”is an education problem caused hot debate recently. Its main performance is that boys are at a disadvantage in physical quality, academic performance and social gender identity. We look at the problem only in view of the school education. This explanation is one-sided. Education is a system, analysis of “boy crisis” should be from the broad education. In view of this, from the angle of social education and family education, we analyze the reasons: (1) lack of father’s education in the family; (2) the way of family education is unsuitable because of single child; (3) the negative effect of the mass media; (4) the social psychology is blind in the period of education transformation.
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