A Thorough Probe into the Education of Chinese Traditional Festival Culture for College Students
中文关键词:  传统节日文化  大学生  节日文化教育
English Keywords:Chinese traditional festival culture  college students  education of Chinese traditional festival culture
Fund Project:
肖维华,杨昭① 南华大学 船山学院湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1129
全文下载次数: 784
English Summary:
      Chinese traditional festival culture is an important part and manifestation of Chinese traditional culture, and the essence of Chinese traditional culture. In the context of globalization and multi-culture, enhancing the education of Chinese traditional festival culture for college students is beneficial to train college students’ patriotism, strengthen the ideal and belief education of college students and help students build a harmonious interpersonal relationship. We should penetrate the education of Chinese traditional festival culture in the classroom teaching,deepen the education of Chinese traditional festival culture in the campus activities,and construct educational environment for prompting and developing traditional festival culture.
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