The Study on CaiYong in Terms of Contemporary Academic Vision and Its Value
中文关键词:  东汉  蔡邕  当代学术视野  钱钟书  鲁迅
English Keywords:later Han Dynasty  CaiYong  Contemporary Academic Vision  Zhongshu Qian  Luxun
Fund Project:
陈海燕 西南石油大学 学报中心 四川 成都 610500 
摘要点击次数: 773
全文下载次数: 990
English Summary:
      Starting from contemporary academic vision and through reviewing the historical literature studies on CaiYong, the writer discovers the evaluation of CaiYong has prominent contradiction: either extremely praise or vigorously denounce. Through analyzing the cause of the extremely contradictious phenomenon, we can find there are some serious malpractices on study for history of Chinese ancient literature. Being short of reading the text in detail and for inadequate analysis of history data, the critics always take it for granted, taking the personality and morality as the criteria to judge the academic level, which is Vulgar history view. Thus people blindly worship the famous, which brings about false to false. Starting from analyzing these weaknesses, the article proposes the significance and the value to restudy the CaiYong again in line with the new academic vision.
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