王斌林.行政诉讼异地审判制度的价值内涵分析[J].,2012,13(1):71-75 |
行政诉讼异地审判制度的价值内涵分析 |
Value Analysis about Off-site Trial in Administrative Proceedings |
投稿时间:2011-10-21 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 异地审判 价值分析 司法为民 司法独立 程序正义 |
English Keywords:off-site trial value analysis justice for the people judicial independence procedural justice |
Fund Project: |
摘要点击次数: 1119 |
全文下载次数: 921 |
中文摘要: |
行政诉讼异地审判的出现虽说只是我国司法实践中的一个小小的变动举措,但它却包含着司法为民、司法独立和程序正义等几方面的诉讼价值观,异地审判以中国式的方式诠释了诉讼法律价值在中国的地方性特色和特殊内容。 |
English Summary: |
The Appearing of off-site trial in administrative proceedings is only a small change initiative in the judicial practice in China . But it contains the justice,judicial independence and justice of procedure, and other aspects of the litigation value. In Chinese style ,off-site trial interprets the Chinese local characteristics and special content of litigation law’s value. |
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