Preliminary Study on Lu Xun’s Legal Thought
中文关键词:  礼治秩序  “立人”  法律社会学  否定性评价
English Keywords:order of ritual rulings  “Cultivating Personality”  legal sociology  negative evaluation
Fund Project:
宋寒亮 西南科技大学 法学院四川 绵阳 621000 
摘要点击次数: 791
全文下载次数: 698
English Summary:
      The legal thought in Lu Xun’s literary works has extreme profundity and revolutionary. He completely denied feudal order of ritual rulings and advocated the thought of natural law. He called the spirit and system of civil law, proposed “Cultivating Personality” and “Building Country of Personality”. He profoundly revealed the evil of the reactionary criminal law and criticized the corruption of law enforcement authorities. He applied the research methods of legal sociology and emphasized on the effect of the implementation of the law. Lu Xun’s legal thought has a fundamental characteristic of negative evaluation. It consistently adheres to critical positions on China's feudal legal system and the practical legal problems in its own time, and embodies deep reflection on thousands of years of Chinese legal tradition and culture.
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