Historical Survey of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
中文关键词:  不扩散核武器条约  核不扩散  核裁军  核能和平利用
English Keywords:Nuclear Non-Proliferation-Treaty  nuclear non-proliferation  nuclear disarmament  peaceful use of nuclear energy
Fund Project:
费赫夫 南华大学 文法学院,湖南 衡阳421001 
摘要点击次数: 883
全文下载次数: 777
English Summary:
      Although Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is a product of power politics, it objectively plays an active role in the prevention of nuclear proliferation. As the foundation stone of nuclear non-proliferation regime, the treaty has experienced a lot of severe tests and nowadays is facing many challenges, which will have a bright future. In order to achieve the goal of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, nuclear disarmament and the right of non-nuclear states to peacefully use nuclear energy should be paid more attention in the future. Only in this way can the glorious desire of nuclear-free world be realized.
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