Research on the Value for the Insurance Intermediary
中文关键词:  保险市场  保险中介  价值研究
English Keywords:insurance market  insurance intermediary  research value
Fund Project:
邹茵 福州职业技术学院福建 福州 350001 
摘要点击次数: 896
全文下载次数: 731
English Summary:
      In the insurance industry chain, the insurance intermediary is a main body. For the whole industry, its survival and development are crucial. At present, in China, the industry’s intermediary market has been primarily established. However, the process for professionalization still moves slowly. Given by that, the market value of the intermediary can not be produced effectively, so that limits its development. Therefore, this paper focuses on analyzing the insurance intermediary’s value and discussing the factors that impeded the value functions. Meanwhile, in order to speed up the pace of intensive management and promote the prosperity for insurance market, the author also puts forward countermeasure thoughts for achieving these values effectively.
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