The Stock Market:Effect,Restraining Factors and Administration
中文关键词:  内幕交易  股市  经济发展方式
English Keywords:Inside trade  stock market  the pattern of economic developmen
Fund Project:
王金水 中共泉州市委党校 科研处福建 泉州 362000 
摘要点击次数: 1041
全文下载次数: 788
English Summary:
      The Stock market in our country started from feeling the stone to cross river to the system of transaction and supervision continuous improvement. In recent twenty years,it has played more and more important role in economic and social development.Now there are several factors affecting the healthy development of the stock market.Firstly, the internal constraints of the stock market is not perfect and the hedging mechanism must be moved.Secondly, the IPO reform lags behind.Thirdly, the chronic illness such as policy market and rentseeking market is not removed.Fourthly, the investigation and punishment of invisible "black mouth " such as rumor is not radical enough.So we should strengthen disclosure information supervision to improve the quality of disclosure information , curb insider trading through strengthening the system construction and so on and purify the stock market so as to promote the stock market to become powerful lever of guiding industrial upgrading and promoting economic development patterns.
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