A Tentative Study on the Ecological Translation of LiQinzhao’s Shengshengman from the Perspective of the Conversion of Subject and Object
中文关键词:  主客体关系  《声声慢》  生态翻译
English Keywords:the relationship between subject and object  Shengshengman  ecological translation
Fund Project:
殷习芳,叶从领① 南华大学 外国语学院 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 1300
全文下载次数: 880
English Summary:
      The ecological structure of the relationship between subject and object is dynamic , and it existed in the interaction and conversion of the information. In Shengshengman, the poet perceives the natural images resorting to the particular eclogical environment ,converting the objective images into subjective ones. The object of eco-translatology is the relationship between the translator and the ecological environment of translation. Therefore,this article tentatively studies the ecological translation of LiQingzhao’s Shengshengman based on Xuyuanchong’s English version from the perspective of the conversion of subject and object with a view to shed light on the translation of classical Chinese poetry.
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