The Trouble and Measures for Communist Youth League Which Serves for University Students’ Innovative Undertaking——Set Shigu district as an example
中文关键词:  共青团  服务  大学生创业  问题  对策
English Keywords:Communist Youth League  service  university students’ innovative undertaking  trouble  measures
Fund Project:
殷志,邹瑾① 南华大学 船山学院, 湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 814
全文下载次数: 802
English Summary:
      This thesis is based on the real situation of Shigu district, and from the perspective of demand and services that Communist Youth League needs to do for University students’ innovative undertaking, the author analyzes the issue of promoting the employment of graduates and proposes the measures we should take to enhance the innovative undertaking among university graduates: we should broaden the channel, collect the funding, establish a platform of collecting funding; integrate resources, rely on the basis, set up a platform for practicing; popularize laws, ensure rights, build a stage for maintaining legal rights; strengthen guidance, set up examples, build a stage for education; so as to establish district service center for the employment and undertaking of young people.
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