Focus on Talent Cultivation in Universities from the Perspective ofthe Features of the Current World
中文关键词:  世界形势  时代特征  大学教育  人才培养  期望
English Keywords:world situation  the features of the current world  university education  talents cultivation  expectation
Fund Project:
凌均卫 南华大学 教学督导团湖南 衡阳 421001 
摘要点击次数: 759
全文下载次数: 601
English Summary:
      The features of the current world can be analyzed as follows: two worlds, two paintings, two paradoxes and two puzzles. Based on this analysis, the author contends that the key to the sustainable development of humanities is education. Universities must have a clear mind of what kind of talents they should cultivate. Consequently, the talents who have been cultivated in universities should have right focus, know what science and technology should do and what society should do. They should be positive and pursue truth, kindness and beauty consciously; meanwhile, they should be disciplined and stay away from what is spurious, evil and ugly.
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