On the Legal Protection for the Privacy Right of Credit Card Holders
中文关键词:  信用卡  持卡人信息  隐私权  法律保护
English Keywords:credit card  information of credit card holders  privacy right  legal protection
Fund Project:
赖国清 湘潭大学 法学院,湖南 湘潭 411105 
摘要点击次数: 931
全文下载次数: 858
English Summary:
      With the popularity of credit cards and the establishment of credit card information sharing system, there arise the problem of the legal protection for the privacy right of credit card holders. Personally identifiable information and information on credit card transactions relating to privacy right, which are generated during the issuing and use of credit cards, should be protected by law. However, there are still some short comings in legislation, application contract and proof-providing on the legal protection for the privacy right of credit card holders in China. Therefore, this paper conducts extensive research on legislation and judicial protection in European countries, America and Taiwan Province in China, and then proposes the legal measures to consummate the legal protection for the privacy right of credit card holders in China.
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