Research on Social Responsibility Accounting Index System of Iron and Steel Company in “Two Types of Society”
中文关键词:  两型社会  钢铁企业  社会责任  会计指标体系
English Keywords:“two types of society”  iron and steel company  social responsibility accounting  index system
Fund Project:
阳秋林,代金云① 南华大学 经济管理学院湖南 衡阳421001 
摘要点击次数: 782
全文下载次数: 771
English Summary:
      Corporate social responsibility has now become a global trend,so it has been valned by theoretical study and practice. Whether the company is in compliance with the social responsibility and how to evaluate the extent and intensity of corporate social responsibility is the focus of businesses and the whole society. In this paper, based on the iron and steel enterprise of their own characteristics, we developed a set of evaluation index system of CSR for the iron and steel enterprise by studying the current status of the iron and steel industry, which is helpful to provide the theoretical and technical support for the construction and development of the iron and steel CSR. In the end,the evaluation system constructed above was applied on WuGang Iron&Steel Co.,Ltd and HuaLing Iron&Steel Co.,Ltd, which is aimed at evaluating the fulfillment of their social responsibility.
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