Discuss the Target System of Agricultural System Innnovation Based on the Industrialization Strategy
中文关键词:  农业工业化  农业制度创新  目标体系
English Keywords:agricultural industrialization  agricultural system innovation  target system
Fund Project:
曹执令,刘茂松① 湖南农业大学 经济学院湖南 长沙 410000 
摘要点击次数: 830
全文下载次数: 769
English Summary:
      The implementation of agricultural industrialization strategy is the unavoidable way for the in-depth transformation and the development of modern agriculture. System innovation is the practical needs of the development of agricultural industrialization. This paper analyzed the system consistency, system stability and system standardization principles of the target setting on agricultural system innovation. According to the nature of solving “three rural problems” in the process of the agricultural industrialization, this paper proposed a comprehensive target system of agricultural industrialization with the major objective of increasing farmer’s income, developing rural areas, and enhancing the efficiency of agricultural industry, which provides a guide for the agricultural system innovation.
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