Sighing His Life Experiences with Emotion during an Official Trip in Xiaoxiang in Raining Evening—Analyzing poet “Night Rain in the Xiaoxiang Court” written by Ma Zhiyuan
中文关键词:  马致远  潇湘  夜雨  意象
English Keywords:Ma Zhiyuan  Xiaoxiang  night rain image  rich emotions  ideological content
Fund Project:
廖楚珍 湖南食品药品职业学院湖南 长沙 410014 
摘要点击次数: 874
全文下载次数: 983
English Summary:
      The article analyzed the specific image in the “Night Rain in the Xiaoxiang Court” written by Ma Zhiyuan. Relating to the position and situation of Ma Zhiyuan and the social reality which Ma Zhiyuan live in, we can see the sorrow of separation because of being frustrated for all his talent and being far away from home; the sad of wanting to be an official but cannot achieve his wishes while only wasting life; being concerned about the affairs of the state but only living in Xiaoxiang; having no other way though he was not willing to do so,etc. The author wants to experience so many kinds of feelings which are beyond expression and explore the historical origin briefly.
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