On the Evolutions of Historic Values of College English Curriculum
中文关键词:  大学英语课程  价值取向  个人本位论  社会本位论  知识本位论
English Keywords:college english curriculum  orientations of values  theory of individual standard  theory of social standard  theory of knowledge standard.
Fund Project:
曾碧锋,刘明东① 湖南第一师范学院 公共外语教学部,湖南 长沙 410205 
摘要点击次数: 879
全文下载次数: 563
      大学(英语)课程价值的取向是人们基于对大学(英语)课程总的看法和认识, 是人们在制订和选择课程方案及实施课程计划时所表现出的一种倾向性[1]。无论是从课程的目标内涵,还是从课程的内容选择及其实施方式上来看,都折射出一些特定的价值取向,这些价值取向被深深地烙印上了不同的历史时代大学英语这门课程变迁的特点:那就是始终围绕政治决策、经济的发展水平和中国高等教育的发展趋势,试图努力解决“是什么”、“为什么”和“怎么办”。
English Summary:
      The orientations of the values of College English Curriculum (CEC) are based on people’s general view and awareness of the CEC. They are the tendencies show in the formulation and selection of curriculum plans. Whether on the content of the CEC goals, or on its implementation, some orientations of the value of CEC are reflected. These orientations are deeply imprinted by the times’ characteristics and the evolution of the CEC. In order to solve the “what”, “why” and “how” in the CEC’s reform, the paper mainly discusses that these main characteristics, which are the Chinese political main decision, the economic development levels and the international communication trends of Chinese higher education, have always influenced the CEC’s values evolutions in Chinese modern education history.
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